Architectural Review

Welcome to the Crosswinds Architectural Review Committee section. In order to maintain the original goals and values of the community, the Architectural Review committee was formed. If you are planning any additions to your home, painting projects or any other changes to the outside appearance of your home, please contact us immediately–just send us an email of what you are planning, and we’ll be in touch. Please send to and please check back regularly for updates and announcements.

Your attention is called to the fact that new construction and most remodeling will require approval by the town of Ellery. Ellery has its own building requirements, and recent amendments in some situations may be more restrictive than ours at Crosswinds. If your project meets Crosswinds standards, please consult with us to see if we can assist you in obtaining any needed variance from Ellery.

Architectural Review Committee

  • Judy Stanley – Co-Chairperson
  • Greg Madej – Co-Chairperson